Learn Colour Psychology To Skyrocket Your Marketing

Aug 29, 2016

be aware of how printing colours can affect your brand perception


Many factors including personal preferences, experiences, context, cultural differences and others can affect the decision power of an individual. Also, it is not guaranteed that specific colours like yellow can evoke hyper emotions in people. However, no doubt colour psychology affects individuals and businesses can use this phenomenon in their advantage. Let’s see which colors are associated with certain emotions and what brands are already using them successfully when custom printing collaterals.


  • Grey is a relatively unpopular color among brands; it refers to balance and neutrality. Companies like Apple, Wikipedia, and Puma have been using grey color in their brand for years.
  • Green is one of the most popular colours among companies. It refers to peacefulness, growth and health. Usually environment and fitness related companies use this color excessively in their marketing material and the overall brand image. Some popular examples are Animal Planet, Spotify and Starbucks.
  • Blue is a symbol of trust, strength and reliability. Perhaps you have noticed many banks use blue color inside the bank to appear as a dependable entity to people. Some brands that use blue as their primary color are Dell, HP, Pfizer, AT&T and Vimeo.
  • Indigo is a relatively newer colour that refers to creativity and imaginations. Companies like Yahoo, T-Mobile and Cadbury have been using it for years.
  • Red is a symbol of boldness, excitement and youthfulness. Companies that primarily make products for younger audience use red colour. However, the colour may also refer to danger. Some globally popular brands that are using red color are Coca Cola, CNN, Target and Canon.
  • Orange and yellow refer to warmth, friendliness and optimism. Both of these colours are not gender specific and that’s why companies like Nikon, Amazon, Firefox and Best Buy are using them successfully.


As mentioned above, many factors can influence the effects of colours on your target audience; gender and age group are also among those factors. Men and women like and dislike different colors and if your company, products and services are highly gender specific then learning about their liking and disliking is important.

What Colours Do Men Like the Most?

According to many researches and surveys, blue is the most favorite color of men. Around 57% of the men like blue and its shades. Comparatively around 14% of the men like green, 9% like black and 7% like red.

On the other hand, brown is the least favorite color of men. Around 27% men declared it their least favorite color. Other colors are 22% orange, 22% purple and 13% yellow.

What Colors Do Women Like the Most?

As compared to men, women’s choices are relatively diversified. 35% of the women like blue and its shades. 23% like purple, 14% like green and 9% like red.

Orange is the least favorite color of women; around 33% of the women said they dislike it the most. Other colors are 20% brown, 17% grey and 13% yellow.

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