5 Reasons why some print advertising is still better than digital advertising

May 27, 2017

Advertising is increasingly being adopted by companies as a form of communication to their clientele be it with the aim of boosting sales or creating a good public image. The major forms of advertising being print media and digital, various companies have chosen either due to diverse reasons such as affordability and reaching of the target audience.

There are several print companies which engage in printing services which are normally paid for. However, in cases of magazines and newspapers, one finds that the print company has to run other stories which are not paid for directly. The stories run by such companies help to increase the number of audiences which will be reached by the paid advertisement. In digital advertising, the number of viewers dictates the audience reached which at times can be smaller since people have different watching preferences.

Apart from the above type of print media, others include specialized companies which engage in printing services of brochures, posters and other customized printing services. These kind of print companies always have a professional printer and qualified personnel to design the posters and brochures in order to make them catchy. This makes the brochures and posters to be brief and makes the message to be got at a first glance or within a short period. Digital advertising has this as a limiting factor. When digital advertisements are too brief they may end up not delivering intended message.

Print media has an advantage over digital advertising in that media in that one copy of newspaper can be read by more than one person and the printed advertisement read over and over again. In digital advertising, the advertisement reaches many people at a go and this may result to a huge number missing to see the advertisement. This reduces the audience and consequently the aim of advertising is not reached.

Digital advertising such as television can be expensive than print advertising. This comes up more clearly when a company seeks to advertise and is charged per the time the advertisement is aired. The more the advert is aired the more the company pays. Print services such as brochure are cost effective since the cost is meant once.

Print media advertisements are likely to reach more diverse people and across major classes of the society as long as they can read. Some digital advertisements only end up reached the younger generation who have embraced technology. Such advertisements only reach certain classes of the society such as the wealthy or the young.

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